viernes, octubre 12, 2007


"So no one told you, Life was gonna be this way"

Ross:-"First divorce: wife's hidden sexuality, not my fault.
Second divorce: said the wrong name at the altar, kind of my fault.
Third divorce: they shouldn't let you get married when you're that drunk and have stuff drawn all over your face, Nevada's fault."


Reporter:- I like that. What's your name? (pointing tape recorder at Pheobe)

Phoebe:- Pheobe.. That's, P, as in "Phoebe", H, as in "heobe", O as in "oebe", E, as in "ebe", B, as in "be", and E as in... "Ello there, mate!"


Joey: Okay, buddy-boy. Here it is: You hide my clothes, I'm wearing everything you own.

Chandler: Oh my God! That is so not the opposite of taking somebody's underwear!

Joey: Look at me! -- I'm Chandler! "Could I be wearing any more clothes?" ...Maybe if I wasn't going commando!


La mejor serie, Lejos.


"Even at my worst.. i'm best with you"

4 comentarios:

M dijo...

Eaa hay cambios por el blog!!
Qué bien, muy bonito.
Del post, obviamente, sólo puedo decir cosas positivas, o sea.. es FRIENDS.

Siempre es bueno empezar el día con ellos.


Cualquiera* dijo...

Shhh no los publiques tanto, no sea cosa q lo empiece a mirar todo venado y cruces a la gente con remeras de friends *-) (?)

.. Mucho, con o de Orko ^o)

Anónimo dijo...
Este blog ha sido eliminado por un administrador de blog.
Soy Mankadisimo dijo...

Alguien que no espero ya que ni siquiera conozco, no puede "esperarme también".
Desde ya, muchas gracias.